Bio Medical Model of Health

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The biomedical and socio-medical models are used in healthcare to help understand the causes of ill-health and why health inequalities exist. Their main focus is on personal and individual consequences of behaviour, for example; smoking, excessive drinking, poor diet, lack of exercise and so on. For many years the biomedical model of health has been of more importance than the socio-medical model of health and was more popular by sociologists but only recently the socio-medical model of health has been recognised and there is a growing popularity for this model too. Different sociologists also have their own perspectives on health and each of these models; some favour the bio-medical model whereas others favour the socio-medical model. Some would argue that people that have ill- health will fall to the bottom of society and people in this group are least likely to have healthy lifestyles. However a more structural approach would argue that there are factors outside the individual’s control, such as education, living conditions and so on which affect their health and life chances. The Biomedical Model of Health The Biomedical model of health argues that health and ill-health have biological causes and are caused by factors such as viruses, genetic characteristics, bacteria and so on. It believes that the body is a machine and the result of ill-health is due to the dysfunctions of the machine. It also focuses more on the individual and their physical functioning and describes bad health to be the presence of disease; it also describes illness to be the result of physical causes, for example injuries or infections and does not take into considerations any social factors that may affect health and illness. This is because when an individual is ill, health professionals do not ask about or look at their psychological or social history but look for genetic causes instead

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