Bible vs. Society

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The Bible Vs. Society The three aspects that the bible plays in our society that I will be addressed in my paper are culture, social norms and mores, and social ills and injustices. First, culture is simply the shared products of a human group or society. The two products of culture are nonmaterial culture and material culture. Nonmaterial culture is basically the intangible such as right and wrong, values, and knowledge. Material culture is material objects that tend to represent nonmaterial culture. Material culture ranges from monuments to fads and technology. America was originally founded on solid values that today are all but abandoned. Self-discipline and hard work have been replaced by instant gratification and laziness. Also, the American material culture is shown though the products in our materialistic society. The iPod, sports, car, boats and other luxury items are what are considered America’s material icons. It is becoming harder and harder to live a Christian testimony given the negative cultural shift in our society. In today’s world Gods words should be taken as guide lines, Of how to be a better person to others and how to live a better moral life. Romans tell us that we should not be conformed to our culture and that we should be changed by renewing our minds (Romans 12:2). As Christians we all have our role to play in society. Role strain seems to exist between nonconformity and witnessing. However, Paul shows us that a balance can be achieved in his sermon to the Athenians on the Areopagus (Acts 17:16-34). Paul did not simply throw the scripture in the face of the Athenians. He appealed to the Athenians from their philosophical perspective while presenting the Gospel. To this end, we must live our lives. Christians should not conform to the wickedness of the culture around them, however, they should be knowledgeable about culture as to
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