Apol Worldview Essay

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Worldview I. A worldview is defined as the way one sees the world. “Ken Hemphill in his book, Life Answers, says that “a worldview, whether Christian or secular, is the unifying perspective from which we organize our thinking about life, death, art, science, faith, learning, work, money, values, and morals. A worldview is our underlying philosophy of life.” Weider L. & Gutierrez B. (2013) p.58. One’s worldview can be deliberately or intuitively about the makeup of our world. A worldview is similar to a guide that helps us explore the scholarly and philosophical landscape around us. A worldview is like looking through a pair of glasses and interpreting the things around us. It is important for one to have an important worldview. The choices about how we live and from where we draw our qualities and our feeling of importance and reason in life. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (KJ). II. The Christian/Biblical worldview of the origin of man is laid out in the book of Genesis. God had a plan from the beginning. In Genesis 1:26, this thoughtfulness is without a doubt created. In Genesis 1:27, tells of how the making of man came about. In Genesis 2:7, gives more detail of the making of man and how he became a living being. Therefore taken from scripture God created man. The Christian/Biblical worldview of identity is given in Jeremiah 1:5, God knew who we were before he formed us. In Jeremiah 29:11, God has made a plan for everyone. The morals of an individual leads him/her on the path of good or evil. God has given us future and hope. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, tells how one should feel if born again in his name. The old will be gone and a new will wash over you. Glory to God!

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