Bible 105 Essay

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Melvin Slater Chapter Questions (Modules 5-8) BIBL 105-C07 LUO Dr. Stroh October 19, 2012 Chapter 19: Question 1- What are some of the common characteristics of Hebrew poetry? How does biblical poetry differ from much of our modern poetry? There are four common characteristics and they are: meter, chiasm, parallelism and acrostics (p.282). Our writing does not use meters or chiasm or acrostics (p. 282). Chapter 19: Question 2- How would you explain parallelism to someone who had never heard of it? I would state that parallelism is the most important feature of Hebrew poetry. It’s when two lines complement each other and they display parallelism thoughts rather than rhyme or sound. There are three primary types of parallelism which are synonymous, antithetic, synthetic parallelism. The synonymous involves repetition of the same thought or a similar thought. Antithetic parallelism is recognized by the two lines standing in sharp contrast to each other and the synthetic parallelism is when the second line completes a thought the first line left incomplete (p.282-284). Chapter 20: Question 4- Describe the points of view of Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. Where did they place the blame for Job’s suffering? What was jobs response? All of their points of view were that he was guilty of some sin and that God was not pleased with him (p.295). Eliphaz felt like Job brought trouble on himself, Bildad felt like anyone that pursues wickedness (like Job) shouldn’t be surprised of the punishment it brings, and Zophar stated that Job was getting what was no less can be reasonably expected (p.295). Jobs response to their entire verdict was that he was not guilty of any of their accusations; therefore he was going to wait on the Lord to vindicate him out of it all. (p. 296). Chapter 20: Question 5- How does Elihu characterize Job’s problem? To what does he
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