"Betrayal and The Kite Runner

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When reading the extract from “The Kite Runner” and the poem “Betrayal” the fact that they shared betrayal as a main theme clearly stands out. Other similarities can also be perceived between both text, as well as some differences, but the former are more than the later. First of all, that text A and text B shared the same main theme can be seen throughout the whole texts. The novel “ The Kite Runner” has its main character, Amir, as the representation of the feeling of betrayal. This boy betrays his friend Hassan, son of his father’s servant, quite often and through many different situations during their childhood. The extract tells one of the highest moments of the novel from those in which Amir assumes himself as an unloyal person. This is shown by the fact that Hassan and Ali’s birthday gift makes Amir feel uncomfortable. Taking into account that by this moment of the novel Hassan has already been raped, Ali and Hassan’s kidness towards Amir makes him feel that he is totally unworthy. Betrayal is constantly treated in the novel and in each point at which it stands out, the tone and mood of the story inmediately tends to change. Sadness and the feeling of guilt are highlighted when the plot of “The Kite Runner” goes aroung betrayal. The mood changes from happines to dispair and the atmosphere turns gloomy everytime Amir betrays his friend. Rethoric and existencial questions hunt the protagonist when the feeling of guilt invades him. He wonders why he is so mean with Hassan and although he regrets, he cannot stop being like that, and in some instances he even justifies himself. The phrase “He’s only a Hazara” said by Amir after not helping Hassan when he is sexually attacked, is an evidence of that. As stated at the beginnig, betrayal is also the main theme in the poem of the same name written by Frank P. Whyte. This theme is developed through it as it occurs

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