Best Practices In Health Care

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Best Practices Quality Patient Care Begins with Quality Employees Employment screening program considerations for health care providers Table of Contents I. Executive Summary ............................................................................... 3 a. Lack of nationwide practitioner oversight b. Increased mobility of health care workers with a criminal history c. Increased vulnerability of sensitive private information a. Regulatory updates b. Comprehensive and accurate results c. Program compliance d. Reporting ordering and delivery e. Comprehensive health care-specific offering f. A better candidate experience g. Contractor screening h. Cost—cheaper is not always better II. Talent Screening Challenges…show more content…
The following issues should be considered when developing a screening program. • Regulatory Updates The first and most important key to health care screening is selecting a vendor that can help you be aware of the complex health care regulatory landscape. Without clear federal guidelines, the individual states are left to dictate health care screening policies. This has resulted in 50 different policies and a highly complex environment for large, multi-state health care organizations. Work with a screening vendor that understands and monitors health care regulations and can provide updates to these regulations to support your organizational needs. Health care organizations must always consult with their legal team on these matters; however, an experienced screening provider can help increase awareness around evolving legislative and regulatory issues. • Comprehensive and Accurate Results To ensure optimal data quality and accuracy, the background screening information delivered to an organization should come from the best possible resource—the primary source. This means the data used in the background report was collected from the originating source of information. Understand how the data in the screening reports is collected and compiled. For example: — Is the data included in the national criminal records database purchased from a third-party data aggregator, as opposed to being directly collected from the courts and other local, state and federal government repositories? — Are education verifications conducted with the educational institution, as opposed to simply confirming

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