Bermuda Triangle Essay

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Bermuda Triangle Essay The Bermuda triangle… a mysterious geographical area covering an imaginary triangle that generally lies in and around three points: the island of Bermuda, Miami/Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. But what causes crashes? Does the triangle exist? Has anyone, really, gone missing here? Today, I will reveal the truth. The Bermuda Triangle has many disputed causes. Some say electronic fog: a theory created based on NASA research. Electronic fog is caused by a normal thundercloud being bombarded by abnormal levels of solar wind. Another theory is Rogue waves, MASIVE waves that can easily over take a boat and capsize it in a matter of seconds. Countless other theories have been thought of, including UFO’s, the lost city of Atlantis, a downed 11,000-year-old comet, methane hydrates, government testing, human error… even pirates (the pirates of Caribbean were there too! Coincidence? I don’t think so)! Some of you may be wondering: “Does this triangle exist?” . In fact, there is no “real” answer. Many people say that the Bermuda triangle is simply a myth. The US coast guard absolutely denies it. In fact when asked about the Bermuda triangle, they send back a textbook answer stating: “The Bermuda triangle, or the ‘Devil’s Triangle’ is a mythical geographical area. The US coast guard is not impressed with supernatural explanations of disasters at sea.” On the other hand some other people think not so. George X wrote an article first introducing the facts and the theory of alien abductions and he argued many time that proof pointed towards his conclusion. But other scientists, like Ernest Taves and Barry Singer, have noted how mysteries and the paranormal are very popular and profitable. This has led to the production of vast amounts of material on topics such as the Bermuda Triangle. They were able to show that some of the pro-paranormal

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