The Bermuda Triangle

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The Bermuda Trianlge During the past century, more than 70 ships and aircraft have sailed or flown into oblivion, and around 2,500 people have disappeared in the area known as the Devil's Triangle or Bermuda Triangle. It is the greatest modern mystery of our supposedly well understood world: a region of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Miami, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, where its high degree of unexplained disappearances of ships, small boats and aircraft's, not only continue but continue to defy explanation. The legend of the Bermuda Triangle is known for compasses and radio equipment to go haywire for no reason. For years, there has been a mystery of disappearances of ships and aircraft's with no evidence left behind. This area were explored by scientists, journalists and filmmakers trying to find insight into paranormal happenings attributed to the region. The locations of many disappearances were within a geographical triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. The corners of the Bermuda triangle were between three axis points of Miami, Florida; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Bermuda. After several disputes, this so-called triangle gained the title "Devils Triangle," making the people believe the superstitions that the devil was fooling with lost travelers. It also brought to question whether aliens had a selected place on earth to abduct or it could be a time warps the living to another dimension. Even the United States Coast Guard were baffled by this series of disappearances which occurred during search and rescue missions. There are a number of theories trying to explain the vast number of disappearances most typically through environmental interpretation and human error. The Bermuda triangle are known to have abnormal environmental qualities. It is one of the only two places on earth where a magnetic compass points toward true north. A compass

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