Benjamin Button Essay

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Discussion Question: How individuals must endure heartache to obtain happiness

Happiness can be defined as a measure of one’s out look on life. However one’s life can’t always be happy. There are times when happiness, can quickly turn into heartache. In the film, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button , the director, Director David Fincher develops the idea one must endure heartache, in order to purse the satisfaction being happy.

Individuals have a say in their own kind of happiness. Throughout the film Benjamin has created his own happiness by surrounding people that have changed his out look on life. Quieenie, Captain Mike and his crew are people who helps create Benjamin’s happiness, Quieenie found Benjamin as a baby, with a body of an old ma. Even with his unusual case Quieenie still treated him like he was her own. This not only created happiness for, him but also gave him a mother figure, something he never has before. Captain Mike and his crew didn’t discriminate against Benjamin, based on the way he looks. Like one of the crew, Captain Mike treated them all with respect. This not only creates happiness, but gives him the confidence to have friends (the crew). Thus by knowing these individuals, Benjamin creates his own kind of happiness.

Individuals have different heartaches and learn from those experiences. Throughout the film, Benjamin has faced his own type of emotional pain that lead to his heartache. Captain Mike & his crew, Elizabeth Abbot were individual that aided in his heartache. With the bond Benjamin had with, Captain Mike and the crew, they deiced to go defend their country. However things turned out for the worse when Captain Mike and the crew died. This created Benjamin’s heartache and realizes that “Good, things must always come to end”. Elizabeth Abbot was the first person Benjamin fell in love with, but eventually she

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