Benefits Brought to the Nation by Separation of State and Religion

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How has the separation between the State and Religion benefited the nation today? Keeping the State and Religion separate has helped resolve many issues within our nation. With the help of our four founding fathers our nation has become a place where anyone remains free to speak and teach their own religion. As stated by President Thomas Jefferson it should be man’s given right to exercise their religion being that it isn’t causing harm to anyone physically and it shouldn’t be an issue of concern. It was also noted that religion should remain separate from government issues to avoid decisions being compromised based on the religion someone practices. Without this separation issues would continue to increase without being resolved. Many benefits came from the separation of State and Religion including; stability of political involvement, minimizing religious warfare, and the right to religious freedom. With this we can say separation between the State and Religion has benefited the nation in many ways. Separation of State and Religion help maintain the stability of political involvement. The combination of State and Religion on a political level can lead to many issues. With the separation between the two a fine balance can be maintained. For example, governmental decisions no longer become compromised due to religious beliefs. When different beliefs become encountered with one another they can sometimes cloud the judgment of those responsible for making decisions. It becomes difficult for the individual to concentrate on the real issue at hand when they cannot simply get past the differences of religious beliefs. With the separation between the State and Religion this problem can remain a thing of the past. Also, issues of discrimination in matters of property and voting due to religion have subsided. During the colonial era, individuals of some

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