Iran Hostage Conflict

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Final Paper The Reason Two Countries Cannot Communicate The current relationship of America and Iran is that of hostility. These two countries did not always exist as this situation. At one point, Iran respected America and its beliefs. Iranians worked side by side with the Americans. Today these two countries lack the ability to respect each other and are incapable of affectively resolving their problems. The hostile environment has become so horrendous that America no longer recognizes the Iranian government or political entity. For instance, America refuses to trade with Iran or allow other companies sell Iranian aircrafts. This email is due to the American government’s beliefs that Iran is part of the “Axis of evil” as stated by George…show more content…
This did not run smoothly with the Iranian people they felt as if their whole country was changing into the western society of America. The Iran’s have little knowledge about America, due to the horrible international relationship and the fact that most Iranians believe that America is the devils land. When Pahlavi tired to separate church and state within Iran Its people revolted. Suddenly their way of life was being overtaken by this western civilization they knew little of, besides some of the scare tactics that they witnessed in the media. Pahlavi reign leads to the Iran Hostage crisis, in which one of the hostage takers said “You have no right to complain, because you took our country hostage in 1953”. This reveals a huge misunderstanding when it came to communication, because what the American came and did as a way to help, instead was interpreted by the Iranians as an act of…show more content…
The way an Iranian man and women communicate is much different from the way Americans communicate with their wives. In America the relationship between husband and wife usually is a based on mutual agreement and “equality”. Where as in the Muslim religion the “belief” is that women should be dominated by their men. Their belief allows them do such things such “As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them first, next refuse to share their beds, and last spank them lightly…” (Sura 4 Verse 34) , as stated in the Quran men are allowed physically discipline their wives. This belief is not shared by most Americans, but is shared by many Iranians as away of life and last resort mean. Not a way to oppress womes. Though Americans may not agree with it they must learn to respect or at least try to understand the culture of the Iranian people. Some Iranian people believe that the government of America is trying to destroy their religion. What these Iranian have to understand is that their media is corrupting information, because America’s government tries its best to respect the religion of other people; after all it was found based on the idea. but can do little to make the American people respect the Iranian way of Life, because America is a democratic
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