Benefit of Study Abroad

384 Words2 Pages
Studying abroad offers a unique opportunity to grow academically, professionally, and personally while going on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. There are a number of other benefits to studying abroad; however, there are also numerous challenges. Consider the pros and cons, and decide if studying abroad may be right for you. 1. Experience a Foreign Culture It’s one thing to see a photo of Machu Picchu, or to read a travel memoir about the bustling streets of Mumbai. Visiting foreign lands in person, however, is an entirely different experience. When you study abroad, you participate in the day-to-day life of a new locale, gaining a first-hand understanding and new appreciation of the culture. 2. Improve Your Second Language Skills You may already be fluent in a second language, or you might study abroad in one of the many countries where English is spoken as a first language. However, studying abroad can provide you with a perfect opportunity to learn a new foreign language. 3. Explore Your Own Heritage Students whose familial heritage stems from abroad will often choose to explore their ethnicity and ancestry. In fact, reports show that minority students benefit both personally and academically when they have studied abroad in the country of their family’s origin. 4. Learn How to Communicate Across Cultures In today’s increasingly global society, it’s important to possess the skills to communicate across cultures – and this means understanding more than just a different language. Studying abroad helps you become familiar with the customs and traditions of the country in which you are studying, in addition to the language. By interacting with locals, you can develop an appreciation for the culture and its differences from your own 5. Become More Independent Studying abroad removes you from the normal support network that you are accustomed to back home.

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