Being a Practical Catholic

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For some people my age, it was hard for them to want to go to church and Sunday school. It was never a problem for me. I always really enjoyed learning about God and deepening my spiritual understanding. I am here today a 19 year old Confirmed Catholic, the only one out of my immediate family. I made the choice on my own and will always stick by it and be glad and grateful that I did. I believe that this is just one of the many ways that shows how I am a Practical Catholic. To me, a Practical Catholic is someone who follows the Church’s teaching by implementing the teachings in daily life. Some other ways that show that I am a Practical Catholic are that I try to live my life according to Christ and the Church. I do this by observing the Ten Commandments and fulfilling The Golden Rule of “treat everyone how I would like to be treated”. Even though I have had 12 years of Catechism teaching, I still want to have greater knowledge of the teachings of Christ and the Church as well as myself. I really liked participating in the Church activities and advertising for it by telling my friends to come along to things such as youth group with me. I show my devotion to my yearning for knowledge as well my as my loyalty to the Church by walking to Mass on Sundays since I did not bring my car to college. Something that a Practical Catholic should also be is a dutiful and productive citizen. My future goals are to become a Pharmacist and help people. By choosing a career in the healthcare field I will always have integrity, responsibility, and caring as traits I have to deal with every day. I come to the aid of the needy and the underprivileged by volunteering on a regular basis. I have served dinner to the less fortunate at the Salvation Army, done chores for the families in the Ronald McDonald House, as well as hosted my own fundraiser to raise money for children in Africa

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