Behavioral and Social Cognitive Approach to Personality

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Behavioral and Social/ Cognitive Approach to Personality Abigail Slaven PSY/250 November 27, 2012 Thom Mote Behavioral and Social/ Cognitive Approach to Personality Personality is a subject that is difficult for everyone to explain. Psychologists have many different theories on how personalities are developed and why everyone’s personality seems to be different in some way. For most people it is hard to understand someone that is different. Understanding someone like Ted Bundy, a serial killer, is difficult for most people because of how he brutally killed so many women. The following paragraphs will give a description of behavioral approaches, social/cognitive approaches, and the how these approaches can explain Ted Bundy’s personality. The behavioral approach to personality can be explained by looking at the two different forms of conditioning. Classical conditioning occurs after the repeated pairing of an unconditioned stimulus that arouses an unconditioned response and an indifferent stimulus, the antecedently neutral stimulus can come to evoke the same response as the unconditioned stimulus (Friedman & Schustack, 2012, p.187). Partial reinforcement occurs when a reward is received after some, but not all, occurrences of a behavior (Friedman & Schustack, 2012, p.186). Research has found that the conditioned response generally is only used in response to stimuli that is the equivalent or similar to the conditioned stimuli; this is called discrimination (Friedman & Schustack, 2012, p.187). Extinction can occur when the response behavior is no longer encouraged by reinforcement (Friedman & Schustack, 2012, p.188). Systematic desensitization can eliminate a phobia by causing the feared stimulus to become disjointed from the fear response (Friedman & Schustack, 2012, 191). Edward Thorndike’s concept, Law of Effect, concludes that if a

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