Barriers to Accessing Health and Social Care Services

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Barriers to Accessing Health and Social Care Services Geographical Location If there is an emergency in a area miles from the nearest service provider it will take longer for transport to attend to them. There is not a great amount of funds provided to attend to patients out side the town/ village the service is ran. Commonly these days it has become more efficient for the services to use different and faster transport such as motorbikes and helicopters. Disability Not all the buildings where services are e.g. hospitals, doctors, dentist etc have the facilities some disabled individuals require. The physical requirements that disabled people may need are ramps, adapted toilets, lifts, buses e.g. ambulances/ring and ride. They don’t always have the professionals needed to assist people with hearing and visual impairments e.g. interpreters. Ethnicity Some individuals believe in their religion/culture that seeing a professional of another sex is against what they believe in. This then stops a women being treated by a male and the process may become even longer till they are attended to if they refuse. Culture Even though all services are open to the public some private services are only of one culture. All public services are open to all cultures and because all cultures have their own way of doing things. It is important that all public services use the correct procedure when calling an individuals name. This is because they can find it very offensive to use their first name and prefer them to use Miss/Mr then surname. Individual Preference Some people choose not to use the treatment they have been provided with. They use herbal remedies/therapies as a substitute. This is a barrier because the treatment they decide personally to use not all the time works and their condition can become worse. Social Class If someone requires serious
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