: Barbie Doll" Poem Analysis

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For generations, Barbie has been the doll that most young girls aspire to be. Barbie can be many different things at the same time such as a business woman, a party girl, and a mother whose whole existence revolves around beauty. So, is Barbie the ideal woman? The poem “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy, shows the dangers of false standards and the consequence of their applications, in the lives of teenagers or young girls. In other words, this poem shows the outcomes of dissatisfaction with one’s self as a result of societies expectations for women. By comparing the young lady in the poem to a Barbie doll, the author reveals the irony of the title. Irony is defined as a situation or statement characterized by significant differences between what is expected or understood and what actually happens or is meant. Specifically, Piercy uses irony to convey her attitude on the subjects of both inner and outer beauty and the significance of words interfering with a woman’s confidence and life choices, as related to society’s expectations. The poem starts out with a happy beginning explaining the life of a young girl. Most girls are given dolls at a young age as a toy. In the minds of these children, their dolls could do anything with their miniature stoves, irons, and perfect complexion. Specifically, a Barbie doll can be a doctor, lawyer, and a chef at the same time, while maintaining a perfect body with perfect features. This “perfect” image that is modeled by Barbie dolls has shaped the way young woman view themselves and others. Most girls, including the female in the poem, believe that Barbie is the standard for acceptance and any exceptions are viewed as ugly or weird. This has shaped our society for the worse in a sense that young girls are being bullied and judged for something out of their hands. Piercy shows this, through the use of irony when she states, “Then in

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