Americans Need for Perfection

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Americans Need for Perfection Toni Baldock Introduction to Sociology, IVY Tech In Horace Miner’s essay Body Ritual among the Nacirema, he describes how someone outside of America could possibly perceive American culture. While he expresses the American culture in a tribal and primitive way, he speaks truth about the behavioral customs of American people. He speaks about the importance Americans place on their body appearances. How the culture goes to extremes in order to achieve the maxim body types. He states, “The fundamental belief underlying the whole system appears to be that the human body is ugly and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease” (Miner 503). Americans place so much emphasize on bodily appearances focused mostly toward females that women will do whatever they feel is necessary to fit into what they believe is the societies definition of perfection. Starting at birth, women are subjected to sexualized perspectives of what femininity is. Parents dress their young girls in pink, which is a stereotypical color to signify femininity. Parents teach their girls the proper way ladies are expected to behave from crossing their legs when they sit to not getting dirty while they play. Young girls are exposed to playing with dolls and playhouses that are preparing them for society’s idea of women’s duties. As young girls age the media influences enforces what the parents have already taught. Not only do the media encourage girls to except their gender role as women it also influences what society wants women to look like. Television shows, movies, and commercials express the idea body as thin, clear skinned, and large breasted. Fashion magazines emphasize what are currently the global trends, while placing high priority on clothing choices, make-up, and hair designs. At the same time entertainment magazines places

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