Bank of America or Mcdonald’s Case Study

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1 Jamelle Reeves Assignment 1: Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study Valencia Westray-Miller HRM532 Talent Management 2 Bank of America's talent management program led to success for the company Bank of America's executive performance and retention strategy breaks down into the objectives set out in Figure 2.1 (Fisher and Congel, 2009, p. 22), 'attract, retain and develop great leaders.' This process occurs in distinct phases over the first 36 months of executive promotion but begins even before the new hire, if 'attracting great leaders' requires adequate compensation, with "clear and calibrated" (Fisher and Congel, p. 25) criteria screened by recruitment specialists. This includes more than business skill, extending to integration into the existing executive team as well as the total human resource silo the executive will ultimately oversee. This overall fit is assessed in order to prevent "derailment" (Fisher and Congel, 2009, p. 24) through conflict or loss of credibility at the head of a changing and challenging culture. Job development takes place prior to selection and incorporates the needs and objectives of the stakeholders who will depend on the new executive, presumably reducing the likelihood of revolt during and after transition and facilitating success before individual talent is even invited. Once these "critical roles" are defined, getting "the right people" in them occurs through extensive evaluation and ranking in partnership with leadership development contractors and concerned stakeholders. Three distinct stages take place after selection, from the first day, then at mid-point after the first quarter or so, and finally at the end of the first year (Fisher

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