Balanced Literature-Based Instruction

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BALANCED LITERACY PAPER A balanced literacy program includes aspects of literature-based instruction as well as phonics. Linda Chen and Eugenia Mora-Flores (2006) say that this approach “recognizes the complexities of the act of learning to read and the need to utilize multiple approaches because children learn differently.” There is no one-size-fit all strategy to teach children how to read and write, instead we need to find out the individual needs of each student and give them several strategies to work with. It is our job as educators to provide our children with meaningful opportunities for reading and writing. Before laying out an instruction outline, we need to define our goal. Every year teachers need to…show more content…
Donald Bear, Marcia Invernizzi, Shane Templeton, and Francine Johnston (2008) explain that there are two purposes for word studies. First is to help students develop a general knowledge of English spellings. Second, word study increases their specific knowledge of the spelling and meanings of words. Word studies are developmental because teachers must differentiate instruction for different levels of word knowledge (Bear et. Al, 2008). Before using word studies, teachers need to assess their students’ level of proficiency. They can do this by administering the Bear Spelling Inventory, which is similar to a spelling test. There are five spelling stages; emergent, letter name-alphabetic, within word pattern, syllables and affixes, and derivational relations. The Bear Spelling Inventory tells you which spelling stage the student falls in and once you figure that out, you can choose various word studies according to their spelling…show more content…
The cueing system consists of four cues: semantic, syntactic, graphophonic, and pragmatics. The semantic cue is also called the meaning cue and is the most important. It involves looking at the pictures to figure out meaning or using prior knowledge. The syntactic cue is also known as the structure cue and uses the students’ knowledge of English and grammar and also looks at repetitive phrases. The graphophonic or visual cueing system has to do with letter recognition, counting the number of letters, and punctuation. Finally pragmatics looks at the context and reason for reading (Curwen, 2009). This cueing system helps students become independent
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