Australian Anti Discrimination Legislation

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Australian Anti-discrimination legislation and the Disability Education Standards 1. The main function of HEROC is to protect Australian’s human rights. The Human Rights commission has a president who also is the chief executive officer, which incidentally is not recommended good governance practice. Ideally the function of president and chief executive officer should be performed by two people. Also in another departure the president and CEO is also the Human Rights commissioner. The other officers are: a. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner b. Disability Discrimination Commissioner and Race Discrimination Commissioner c. Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner responsible for Age Discrimination According to information provided on the website there is supposed to be a President and five commissioners presently there is a President and only three other commissioners. I am not sure whether this is a permanent or temporary arrangement that has arisen from cost cutting measures or funding issues. HEROC is a statutory authority responsible for education, complaints handling, human rights compliance in accordance with international treaties and Australian legislation, and policy/legislative development. 2. Education Function There are number of publication available to be downloaded including “Understanding human rights”, “Disability rights”, “Young people in…show more content…
Disability Standards for Education 2005 Report Rationale for the standards The main reason for Disability Education Standard was to ensure that a learner with a disability would not be discriminated against and that they would be able to reach their educational potential on an equitable basis with a student that did not possess any disabilities. Also the standard had to be easy to understand so that students, carers and participants in the education sector would be able to easily discern all their rights and
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