Augustine As Mentor Book Review

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1 Augustine as Mentor: A Model for Preparing Spiritual Leaders Book Review Sheila R. Peacock Student ID: L24943396 History of the Christian Church I CHHI 520 B04 Prof. John Landers September 20, 2012 2 Smither, Edward L. Augustine as Mentor: A Model for Preparing Spiritual Leaders. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2008. Edward L. Smither, an associate Professor Church History and Intercultural Studies at Liberty University Baptist Theological Seminary, presents the life and works of Augustine, a legacy, of the past and present-day. The book is informative, well-written, and well-documented account of Aurelius Augustinus (354-430). An historical account of the person, character, and works of Augustine, a mentor, are addressed in various…show more content…
He presents a brief description of the life, works, and the types of mentoring methods used by these four key characters. Augustine and Ambrose favored mentoring other spiritual leaders, Smither addresses the fact they participated in the process by attending church councils and in their writings. Smither reveals that there are seven principles that can be identified which follow the New Testament model of mentoring. Chapters three, four, and five focus on Augustine. The reader discovers who mentored Augustine, Augustine’s approach to mentoring, and Augustine thoughts on mentoring. Some of the great influences and mentors in Augustine’s life were his mother, three key constituents (Alypius, Nebridius, and Evodius), Ambrose, Simplicianus, and Valeirus. In chapter 4, Augustine illustrates his mentoring approach and how it influences his relationship to the clergy. Some primary sources discussed in this chapter are his Confessions, sermons, letters and rules. Several ways Augustine mentored are by providing intellectual training, continuing the practice of dialogue, demonstrating hospitality, initiating correction & discipline, and his mentoring influence through church councils. Chapter 5, Augustine utilized the eight principles of mentoring discussed in chapter one. Smither emphasizes the Augustine’s model and importance of groups and his commitment to communal living. Sound teaching was essential to Augustine, In the epilogue “Shepherding…show more content…
From this sourcebook, I was able grasp the importance of 3rd and 4th century church fathers to sound doctrine and Christian thought. Spiritual leaders should reflect a life of correct living and Godly lifestyle to be to be a worthy candidate as mentor and a example to other disciples Smither’s work is an excellent tool for undergraduate and graduate seminary students studying church history, historical theology, and mentoring concepts for
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