Attention Deficit Disorder (APA)

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Psychology rsearch paper ASSIGNMENTS: Each student is expected to write a 3,000-word research paper in order to satisfy the research portion of this course. The paper will require students to research an assigned topic and provide a critical opinion about the topic. Students are required to use at least five college-level resources in their paper. The paper must be typed, using one-inch margins, Times New Roman Type font, with font size of 12-pt, and must completely conform to the guidelines for preparation described in the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual, 6th edition. 2. Ritalin is a psycho-stimulant medication frequently prescribed to children who have been diagnosed with childhood Attention…show more content…
Petersburg College ADHD 2 Abstract In this paper, the topic of ADHD is discussed. It will be explained what the criteria is for diagnosis is and different methods of treatment that can be explored. You will also learn the side affects of long-term use of the medications associated with the disorder. The question of whether ADHD is an over diagnosed disorder is also raise and discussed. ADHD 3 Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder, also known as ADHD, is a neurological disorder that not only affects kids, but adults as well. The diagnosis of ADHD does not result on one sole factor, such as the results of a test or one behavior pattern exhibited by a person. There are many factors that attribute to the diagnosis of this disorder. ADHD does not show physical signs that can be detected by a blood or other lab test, so how exactly does a doctor go about giving someone the diagnosis of ADHD? Well, for doctor to be able to diagnose someone with ADHD, firstly the have to show some of the symptoms of ADHD, of which the main ones are; inattention, hyperactivity, and…show more content…
ADHD is an overly diagnosed disorder and has become a go-to diagnosis to explain any hyperactivity, even though the person being diagnosed may be unworthy of that diagnosis. ADHD 11 References Daniel J. Safer, Richard P. Allen (1972) FACTORS INFLUENCING THE SUPPRESSANT EFFECTS OF TWO STIMULANT DRUGS ON THE GROWTH OF HYPERACTIVE CHILDREN PEDIATRICS Vol. 51 No. 4 April 1, 1973 pp. 660 -667 Eisenberg, Miriam (2007) Evaluating the Evidence For and Against the Overdiagnosis of ADHD Journal of Attention Disorders September 2007 vol. 11 no. 2 106-113 doi: 10.1177/1087054707300094 Larry S. Goldman, MD; Myron Genel, MD; Rebecca J. Bezman, MD; Priscilla J. Slanetz, MD, MPH; (1998) JAMA Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents 279(14):1100-1107. doi:10.1001/jama.279.14.1100 Martin, B. (2007). How is ADHD Diagnosed?. Psych Central. Retrieved on December 3, 2012, from Perring, Christina; Bioethics Medicating Children: The Case of Ritalin Volume

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