Assisted Suicide Dilemma

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Running header: ASSISTED SUICIDE Where Do I Stand on Assisted Suicide Keith James PHI 200 Prof. Davis February 14, 2011 ASSISTED SUICIDE Where Do I Stand on Assisted Suicide Upon completion of reading this weeks assignment, I find myself at a cross road between the perils of my belief and the wishes of a family member and society. This dilemma of assisted suicide is a very touchy subject that I will attempt to confront in this paper. Although I have never had the pleasure or should I say the displeasure of having to deal with the issue of assisted suicide or euthanasia, however after reading the article titled: Confronting Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: My Father’s Death, by Susan M. Wolf, I have a small and limited understanding of what it entails. As I began to read, I thought of what degree would I go to ensure the well-being of my mother or father if they became terminally ill. Would I have the strength to ask for one of them to have an accelerated death? I pondered this through my mind for many a day and night. I thought about what is assisted suicide. Would this be morally okay to agree to? Maybe it would or in some way, it would not. How would this fall under my religious beliefs? The very thought caused me to drift into a quiet place of solstice for a moment of prayer and consultation…show more content…
So then, why is it so hard to comprehend the facts and reasoning behind assisted suicide? Maybe it is because of the term used, or could it be that society as a whole, cannot accept the fact that at some point and time the elderly and the terminally ill just want the pain and suffering to end. Either of the two seems justifiable enough of a reason to open the floor for discussion among the prominent parties that need to discus the topic to have the laws changed or at least modified to fit the

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