Assimilation In Manuel Munoz's Leave Your Name At The Border

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Katherine Chavez Is it Assimilation or the American Dream? Why is it that people change their true self and create a false identity to fit in and be “normal” in society. In the essay written by Manuel Munoz, “Leave Your Name at the Border,” Antonio had to change his name to Tony so people will hire him. He feels that society associates his traditional Mexican name with illegal immigration. America is known as the “melting pot.” The melting pot refers to people changing their own cultures to fit American culture. Which is called Assimilation. Assimilation is defined as a complex process in which immigrants fully integrate themselves into a new country. Munoz is right when he says that assimilation…show more content…
The ugly side of assimilation includes ignorance, racism, stereotypes, etc. Bad Assimilation is when people lose their personal and historical identity by basically negating their heritage because it embarrass them or they feel obligated by their surroundings. Another bad reason is plain and simple. They are going to lose the culture and since of self that is part of them. So in that way they are giving up part of themselves to become part of a whole. They are giving up their beliefs and customs in order to conform to what others feel is right. So they lose the important part that makes them, in order to make it easier for other people, because they cannot handle the differences of their culture and the majority group. Assimilation has been considered a negative topic over time. Professor Richard Alba of the University of New York asked a group of Harvard students about what they thought about assimilation. The majority had negative thoughts about it. He states “The Assimilation era is now condemned for the expectation that minority groups would inevitably want to shed their own cultures, as if they were old skins no longer possessing any vital force, and wrap themselves in the Anglo-American culture” (pages 1-2). That’s how many people see assimilation today, even if it isn’t a popular term anymore. Another thing that makes assimilation bad is the fact that people use it so much that they don’t see that it could be a danger in the future. Many people lose their history, traditional inhabits, and national culture, national spirit and therefore small nations can disappear. People don’t realize that assimilation not only hurts them but it affects the future generations and nations that could vanish if everyone decides to change their customs. One of the beautiful things of this world is how diverse and different everyone is. If we were to live in a world where everyone was the same it would be boring and dull. That is what

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