Assess the Short Term Significance of the Conquest of Granada

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The conquest of Granada proved to be invaluable for Ferdinand and Isabella, and highly significant in the short term, granting the Spanish people a new found sense of unity and pride. Not only did the conquest provide the Spanish royals with more lands and titles, but also vast amounts of wealth, prestige, and the brief integration of Catholicism in an Arab culture. This laid the foundations for Spain’s great golden age, with the discovery of the new world being funded by spanish coin, leading to the expansion of the Spanish empire . Religious unity was finally upon Spain, after the eradication of Jewish and Islamic customs, resulting in a spanish peninsula that solely followed the customs of Rome and the Papacy. Thus Creating the biggest power in Europe, both economically and militarily, and arguably becoming the world’s first superpower. Therefore it must be deduced what was the most important of these changes in developing the monarch’s reputations, in order to conclude the short term significance of the conquest of Granada. There is a strong argument that due to social change; the greatest short term significance was the changes to Spain’s relationships with nearby powers. This is supported by schemes to teach seminaries Arabic and the creation of hospitals, both of which were used to persuade the conversion of Muslims after 1491. This respectful nature is somewhat communicated through The Capitulations of Granada, where the terms of surrender agree that “Moors shall be judged in their own laws” and that “Christian slaughterhouses would be separate from Muslim ones”. Highlighting a great deal of respect to the Moorish people that previously occupied Grenada, and creating the brief period of unity that was the convivencia. Which is supported by Woodward due to matins being "said in Castilian and Arabic as well as in Latin", and that "Muslim music replaced church
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