Assess the Claim That the Democratic and Republican Parties Are Now Ideologically Distinct and Internally United (30)

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Assess the claim that the Democratic and Republican parties are now ideologically distinct and internally united (30) There is much debate on how today’s two major political parties are arranged with their ideologies. Their ideologies are the main principles which each party stands for so is more or less the back bone and reasoning for every party’s existence. There have been many links and divides between the Democrats and Republicans since these parties began and at times some have argued for these links becoming too strong and the parties not being individual enough and representing what the party is meant to stand for. Within each party historically there have been many deep various factions, these are smaller groups within each party who although associate themselves with the main big tent party have their own separate ideologies on certain factors which separates them. For many years both parties have had a conservative and a liberal wing, which has damaged the unity of each party as they have not been ideologically distinct. An example being the Blue Dog democrats, who are the more fiscally conservative wing of the Democrats. Some argue that the two parties are very ideologically distinct. The Republicans are the more conservative party of the two and have traditional family values and morals with strong ties to Christianity supporting many of its beliefs. They’re also mainly based in southern states away from the heavily and densely populated cities, this links to why they are pro-gun ownership and back the argument that the 2nd amendment gives all Americans the right to own a gun. The party also is seen to support a small government where states have more power and responsibility for themselves as all 50 are so diverse why should the same principles be in order for a rural farming state such as Wyoming and a busy heavily populated state such as

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