Asma Yilmaz Essay

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Interpersonal and Communication Skills ASMA YILMAZ: COMMUNICATION AND INTERCULTURAL CHALLENGES 1. Asma’s communication with her father Yusuf Yilmaz Asma’s communication with her father had not been good since she told her father that she wants to quit her studies in Malaysia and go back to her own country. Thus, due to her decision, there were some communication problems that occurred between Asma and her father. The first communication problem is the relational context. Relational context means trust, self-disclosure and the control that one has in many different types of relationships. It can be either impersonal (formal) or personal (informal). This is because, her father has been very cold towards her when she tells him that she could not cope with her studies in Malaysia. He gets angry whenever Asma talks about quitting her studies and returning back home. Asma could not defend herself because she believes that her father is always right. The other communication problem faced is the psychological context. Psychological context refers to the wants, needs, values and the personalities of the communicators. An interaction may turn into a conflict if any one or both of them are in different psychological contexts as in this case. Asma is pressured because she has given up studying in Malaysia and her father on the other hand, does not understand her feelings and the problems she is facing. He keeps telling her to continue her studies. Asma’s relationship with her father may no longer be the same as it used to be due to the influence of her mindset. 2. Asma’s communication with her lecturer and staff of the university Asma’s communication with the lecturers and the staff of the university also had problems. She was having a lot of problems with the lecturers and the counselors. The lecturers said that she was giving mere excuses while the counselors
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