Article Research Report Results Paper

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Analysis of Article Research Report Results Jillian Mason NUR HSC/438 October 7, 2013 Amber Krasny MBA, RHIT, CPC, CMRS The article is about preventing infection through hand washing. It discusses the importance of hand washing, solutions for antibiotic-resistant organisms, lists strategies for effective hand hygiene and provides an overview of CDC recommendations for hand washing. The CDC has identified that hand washing is the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection (Garner & Favero, 1986). The article states that prevention and control of infectious activities are designed to limit the spread of infection and provide a safe environment for all patients, regardless of the setting (Stucke). At the Global…show more content…
The Compliance Control Center (Forestville, MD) conducted a study with the intent to measure the impact of individual measurement and verification of overall hand washing compliance. In each location, employees that worked in areas that were critical to the prevention of infection and cross contamination chose or were assigned an individual and unique verification number to be used with the Compliance Control electronic hand washing verification system, throughout the study. This was the HyGenius system. Supervisors and employees in each location believed they were doing a good job with hand washing. The data showed that observed hand washing, the results were quite low during the observation period. The overall average was 68 hand washing events per location per week, which resulted in an average of less than one hand wash per day per employee. That result is pretty astonishing and alarming. The results show that with no real accountability, that employees were doing a poor job of washing their hands, especially in areas where prevention of infection and cross contamination were deemed

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