Arguments in Favour of Issuing Tasers to General Duties Australian Police

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1. Tasers are a less lethal option than guns or other forms of force It has been claimed that Tasers are less lethal than guns and often safer than the use of physical force. In June 2011 the United States National Institute of Justice issued a report into its study of deaths following electro-muscular disruption (Taser-jolting). The Institute concluded, 'All evidence suggests that the use of CEDs carries with it a risk as low as or lower than most alternatives.' The Institute further stated, 'CED use is associated with a significantly lower risk of injury than physical force, so it should be considered as an alternative in situations that would otherwise result in the application of physical force.' Similarly, in June 2009, the American Medical Association stated, 'Tasers, when used appropriately, can save lives during interventions that would have otherwise involved the use of deadly force.' The New South Wales Assistant Commissioner, Alan Clarke has also stated that Tasers had been helpful as a suicide intervention tool, in situations where a person was threatening to hurt themselves. A similar observation has been made by Queensland Police Union president, Ian Leavers, who has stated that Tasers have prevented people being shot with guns. Leavers stated, 'I'm aware of many circumstances involving mental health and other offenders where had police not have had the use of a Taser they would have used a fire arm and there very well may have been a death...They are a very positive thing.' In September 2009, the United States Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) reported on its survey comparing fatality and injury rates showed by police jurisdictions using conducted energy devices and police jurisdictions where these devices are not deployed. The study found '...the odds of a suspect being injured are reduced by more than 40 per cent in CED agencies

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