Argumentative Essay: The Great Gun Control Crisis

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The Great Gun Control Crisis Of all the steadily growing issues that seem to plague America one of the most prominent in our day and age is the issue of gun control it appears that a man made tool intended for supposed good has once again found itself in the controversial spotlight. What is the issue concerning guns? Are we operating in our legal right to own them? Do we manage them right? Should citizens be allowed to carry? Are the weapons themselves truly dangerous or is it the person wielding it? These questions and a slew of others have been pondered by both sides of this ongoing controversial debate but to no avail neither side has mutually agreed on answer to those questions or solutions to the issue itself. With steady increases in horrific mass murders such as the most recent Sandy Hook and the Denver Movie Theater shootings gun control has once again been thrown into public eye and with them becoming more frequent a solution to prevent such tragedies is demanded by the American people. But how can we accomplish such a feat? In these cases the shooters were both mentally unstable individuals one who took his own life after his horrific act. The general public’s response to these situations is condemn the killers and the weapons and do the public a great service and…show more content…
Nothing necessarily satisfies either side or what necessarily would in some way shape or form would most likely affect the liberties of the general public and such infringement of liberties is not allowed under law and would never be tolerated by the people
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