Argumentative Essay On Right To Bear Arms

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. The second amendment, which protects citizens’ right to keep and bear arms, is part of the Bill of Rights in The United States Constitution. This amendment was written to give law abiding citizens the right to own guns for hunting, sporting, and protection purposes. However, over time, it seems that this amendment has been challenged and interpreted to the point of distorting the original intention of the right. Today, citizens can freely purchase weapons that can be used for hurting others. In light of the fact that gun violence continues to increase in occurrence and severity, thorough mental and criminal background checks, limits on the amount of ammunition in one magazine, and the type of weapons allowed for purchase are examples on…show more content…
Some want it removed entirely, and others want the amendment to be expanded greatly. I am not arguing that the right to bear arms should be taken away. I do, however, strongly believe that the law needs to be restricted and should continuously change over time, the same way that society and technology change. When the right to bear arms was given to the people, it was given for hunting, sporting, and protection purposes. Many of the guns and ammunition of today are far more powerful than anything needed for those reasons. Gun violence, including mass shootings, continues to increase in occurrence and severity, and weapons continue to advance, becoming more dangerous as they become more powerful. Above are just a few horrific examples of gun related violence, committed by people with legally purchased weapons. It is necessary to make changes in order to help save lives. Some people say ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people.’ I agree with this statement, but I also believe that guns certainly make it easier to injure or kill many people. In my opinion, thorough mental and criminal background checks, limits on the amount of ammunition allowed to be used in one magazine, and the type of weapons allowed for purchase, such as assault weapons, are necessary restrictions that can be placed on the right to bear arms, without completely removing the right from law abiding citizens. I believe the United States would be a safer place, if these restrictions were to be put on the second

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