Argumentative Essay On Race

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Race is still an important issue in US politics. The fact that supporters of either party can be generally categorized by race shows that the policy of both parties are clearly influenced by supporting ethnic minorities or repelling them. Historically, policies regarding race have always been at the top of the political agenda (especially during the 1960s and 70s when the civil rights era was at it’s height). Race is becoming an increasingly minor issue as policies such as affirmative action aim to intergrate society; but it would be wrong to deny that race as an issue is wholly absent from present day US politics- as shown by Republican (GOP) attitudes and tea party protests against Obama. Some GOP state legislatures have demonstrated…show more content…
Some may claim that race is the driving force behind the hostility towards the current president and that alone shows it’s importance. The ‘birther’ movement believe that Barack Obama is not a legitimate president, because he was not born in the United States. But, faced with rather overwhelming evidence that he was born in the United States, some birthers are even now claiming that he's not eligible because he was born a dual citizen (of the US and either Kenya or... Britain), making him, again, not eligible. Should race not be important, then movements like this wouldn’t exist and the ethnicity of the president would remain…show more content…
As it is a sensitive subject that could potentially alienate a whole sect of the electorate it is rarely mentioned and if taken action upon it is usually through the route of executive orders once the president is securely in office. This is shown by the Obama campaign. He rarely mentioned race based policies but after the 2014 mid terms he executed his immigration reform via the use of executive order. This means that the electorate are not particularly troubled by the issue of race because it is no longer important; and instead it is just something that the president decides to take a personal stance on in
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