Argumentative Essay: Does Race Still Exist?

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In our world, mankind has classified the people living on this planet by the colour of their skin. The categories that came out of that are known as races. Those who believe the race is a real biological entity argue that we still believe in it. Those who view race, not as a biological entity but as a social construction, argue that race is a figment of racist imaginations. Science, they claim, has disproved the reality of race, and only prejudice gives it validity. Because there is no solid evidence that can be scientifically proven that race exists, there is no such thing as race in this world. There was a theory that once upon a time, everybody was the same and all were equal. As civilizations started to disperse and the people scattered across the continents, however, things began to change. The people who moved to what is now known as Africa gradually grew darker since they started adapting to the strong sunlight. The people who moved to Europe stayed pale and white because of the cold, dark climate. Our physical differences are the tangible manifestations of adaption to surroundings. That being said, our modern concept of race is a social construct that is not rooted in science. The idea that there are only three or four races groupings that are entirely predicated on skin tone is not accurate. One of the biggest problems in the world today is…show more content…
It is just a concept socially constructed by human beings. Because it is in our human nature to be judgmental, we automatically cateogrize people into groups. No scientist in this world has proven the existance of race; what makes our human bodies differ is the adaptions to our surroundings, but we are all technically the same. For example, chocolate that is put into a fridge is no different than chocolate that is left out in the sun and melted. Both are still chocolate. For this reason, I refuse to believe the actuality of race because the only race in this world is the human
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