Argument Essay: Abortion Laws Of The Nineteenth Century

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English 112-100 B March 16, 2015 Pg 454 #4 Essay Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by the removal of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, which results in death (Definition.) For the last few decades, the practice of abortion has been up for debate. The topic of whether or not women should have to right to do whatever they please with their bodies or if the life growing inside them should be protected my law has become a sore subject. Many people have their opinions on the subject and their reasons for support and protest vary from person to person. As time has passed, the Abortion laws of the nineteenth century have become outdated and irrelevant for the year 2010. There are laws that grant women the right to…show more content…
Back in the nineteenth century having sex out of wedlock was taken very seriously whereas today it is not. Yes some still follow the traditional ways and frown upon premarital sex, it but for the most part the only thing that is really pressed into the minds of our youth is the use of protection. We cannot base our current laws on what people believed in the past because Things have drastically changed. Our circumstances are not what they were back in the nineteenth century. The right’s each of us has through the United States Constitution protects each woman and their right to choose, our advancement in technology has lowered the mortality rate of women who undergo abortion, and our values have changed. Therefore we cannot use our past laws to govern current abortion laws. Work Cited "Definition of Abortion." Med Terms., Web. 14 Nov. 2010. . "THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE: A FUNDAMENTAL LIBERTY." American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 14 Nov. 2010.

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