Arctic Tundra and Climate Change

426 Words2 Pages
Biomes and Climate Change by vburnin The biome I researched is the arctic tundra 1. Climate change has had several impacts on the abiotic factors of the arctic tundra. One of these factors is the length of the seasons, winters begin late and springs come earlier. It has been observed that changing world temperatures effect colder places the most. Rising temperatures in the arctic tundra have led more permafrost and snow to melt than usual causing the tundra to be converted to wetlands. Also, the arctic tundra has a lot of carbon in its soil, since the permafrost is melting it is releasing the carbon and changing the climate of the earth even more through global warming. 2. Climate change has had several impacts on the plants of the arctic tundra. The height of shrubs has increased even doubling in some places. Foreign species are appearing that can now live in the tundra because of the temperature increase, these species could push out the native species. Trees are starting to grow in the arctic tundra even though the tundra couldn’t support trees. The amount of plants is increasing and this is causing more snow to melt which means less light is being reflected back into space. 3. Climate change has had several impacts on the animals of the arctic tundra. Polar bears, even though they hunt on ice and not on the tundra have seen their food supply decrease due to the melting ice. Since the polar bears can’t find food on ice they look for food in the tundra usually near humans which has led humans to have to shoot polar bears since they became too dangerous near humans. Also, since new species of plants have invaded the arctic some animals can’t adapt to them, like the Caribou which numbers have decreased. 4. If climate change continues then half of the arctic tundra could be gone replaced by trees and lush vegetation by 2050. This would cause most plant
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