The Grinch Who Stole Christmas Analysis

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“The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” is a 69 year old poem which appeal and survival throughout generations is attributed to the poem’s archetypal structure. As a character positioned outside of mainstream society, The Grinch belongs to the outcast archetype. The poem describes his dwellings as a cave “just North of Whoville” in which he spends his time scrutinizing the Who’s down below. “He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the Who’s, staring down from his cave with a sour, Grinchy frown.” The Grinch’s cave is imagined as a dark and cold place in contrast to Whoville which is described with “warm, lighted windows.” The contrast of the Grinch’s dwellings to Whoville, represents the archetype of Light versus Darkness. The Grinch represents darkness and evil whereas, Whoville and the Whos represents light and…show more content…
The green colour of his appearance not only physically separates The Grinch from the Whos but is symbolic of the implied jealousy and hatred he possess for them demonstrated by the jealous tone in which The Grinch lists the characteristics of Christmas and devises a plan to prevent the Whos from enjoying the Christmas holiday. With the help of The Grinch’s dog Max, who fulfills the archetype of the faithful and loyal companion, The Grinch becomes the trickster archetype defined as a rebel who refuses to conform to societal expectations and often creates mischief in order to point of the flaws of society. The Grinch contrives a scheme to masquerade as Santa Claus and steal the material elements of Christmas such as gifts and food in order to point out the flaws of the Who’s perceived materialistic society. The Grinch’s deceitful and trickster nature is exemplified in the midst of his quest, when he is confronted by Cindy-Lou who questions his
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