Archaeology as a Source of History

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ACHAEOLOGY AS A SOURCE OF RECONSTRUCTING HISTORY The word archaeology is derived from a Greek words, “archaios” meaning ancient and “logos” meaning knowledge. It has been variously defined as the “study of antiquity, the science of ancient things”. It has also been defined as a “study of everything ancient”, and hence archaeology takes every trace of human activity into account. It can be more explicitly said as “science of ancient remains”. The function of the archaeologist is not only mere collection of ancient remains, but must include an intelligent appreciation and interpretation of these remains. The word “remain” refer to the material relics that ancient man has left behind. The word “ancient” refers to a period when we cannot have the abundance of written historical material. The human past extends far earlier than is covered in written records. For most of humanity's time on earth, the only record of who we were, where and how we lived, and where we came from is buried. Even for more recent history, many aspects of people's lives are never recorded. By examining sites and artifacts, archaeologists discover our hidden history and tell the story of the human experience. Archaeology is a bridge between the past, the present and the future. Items lost or left behind by the past occupants of sites give archaeologists clues to the past and often help them to understand and interpret the present and the future. The objects we leave behind today may tell future archaeologists about the cultures, values and lifestyles of the early 21st century. By excavating, archaeologists hope to accomplish one or all of four goals: to reconstruct the history of past societies, to determine how people in these societies lived, to understand why societies changed through time and to advocate the preservation of cultural resources. To reconstruct the history of past

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