Approach to Self-Coaching

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Assignment 6-3 Strategies for Self-Coaching Approaches to Self-Coaching Self-Coaching is a skill that needs to be acquired and one needs to know him or herself in order to have an effective and successful self-coaching.There are three strategies that comes to mind about self-coaching and these are : self-awareness/self –discovery, change in reaction of thoughts and speaking to myself. Self-awareness is knowing the kind of personality one has –like strengths,emotions ,weakness ,thoughts ,belifes and capabilities.Self-awareness allows me to understand myself and other people and that makes me display a better attitude at any given time.It is always important to think positive as the human mind is powerful.I can coach myself better if I refrain from negative thoughts;for example,when I start the day by saying “It’s going to be a great day” …I realize that even when a challenging situation comes my way my thoughts ,reactions and attitude towards the situation seems to be better than when I start with “ I can already tell that this day is going to be a rough one “. Another strategy to self-coaching is talking to myself.When I talk to myself It helps me my manage my emotions and limits anger and fraustration my life. Options to Implement my Personal Development Plan The first option to implement my personal development plan is to take control of my time and utilize it wisely.I have a goal to graduate in summer 2013 and in order to achieve that goal I will need to make some adjustments between work ,school and family life.Secondly I need to discover what my true passion in career is in order to obtain a job in that field after I graduate.I believe working in an area that I am passion about will boost my personality,make me competent on the job and in turn generate a good performance.Finally identifying and acting on my strengths based on my

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