Apple Case Essay

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Case 1 – Apple Computer TM 583 1. What were some of Apple’s biggest successes and failures? Describe why. Over the years, Apple Computer had many successes and failures because the company was not afraid to take risks. Some of their successes include The Apple II, the first Macintosh, the titanium PowerBook, the iMac, iPod & iTunes. The Apple II, which went on sale in April 1977, the company introduced a machine people actually wanted to use. It was a success because it had features that the users would like, such as expandable memory slots, 8 expansion ports, a color display, etc. It also had an aesthetically pleasing look with its plastic exterior, giving it a friendly design that would fit in on a home user’s desk or table. With the Macintosh, Apple took some new innovations (the mouse, a graphical interface and the laser printer) and used them to bring desktop publishing to the masses. The quirky Mac, with its small, 9-inch black-and-white screen and 3.5-inch floppy disks, quickly developed a legion of rabid enthusiasts, creating the phenomenon known as the "Cult of Mac." The iPod and iTunes were Apple’s foray into music. Before them, Apple had only offered DVD playing drives on its iMacs, but not CD burners. When iTunes came about, it offered a simpler way to play and listen to music on a computer. In October 2001, the iPod was introduced. It wasn’t the first digital music player with a hard drive to hit the market, but Apple’s use of scroll-wheel interface along with its smaller size made the iPod a success where other players were not. The iPod became a smash success when Apple added a Windows version of it and of iTunes. The Apple Company also experienced some dramatic failures, such as The Lisa and the Newton. The Lisa was Apple's first attempt to create at an easy, user-friendly personal computer. The original spec for the Lisa, created by Steve

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