Ap Morgan Analysis

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By using my own knowledge, I will be assessing how far all the Sources will support the interpretation that the reforms of 1868-74 were designed to satisfy interest groups which supported the liberal party. I am going to explore on the Irish Church Disestablishments, 1870 Education Acts, 1872 Licensing Act, as well as the Trade Union reforms. Gladstone attempted to satisfy the needs of the liberal interest groups, this can be seen in Source A where Matthew Arnold says that “the Liberal party is not trying to disestablish the Irish Church by the power of reason and justice but by the power of the Nonconformists’ hatred of Church establishments” this would mean that Matthew Arnold believed that the key interest group that were to be satisfied…show more content…
In Source B, John Bright argued that “Pre-1870 education was insufficient and bad” this would suggest why Bright was furious due to the fact that the Anglican’s were satisfied towards the grant to help towards the Voluntary schools in other words less fortunate students and this led to the non-conformists being very spiteful towards this. In Source C, The Economist argued that “Beer was once a great liberal power, as surely to be reckoned on the Liberal side as ‘Land’ was on the Conservative side” this would suggest that the Economist was very shocked due to the Licensing Act’s treatment of the working class and brewers. It seemed to have been a difficult decision to consider a compulsory electoral interest which could possibly be the reason why the conservatives had a positive impact, although Gladstone seemed to have blamed himself for becoming second place in the Greenwich election in 1874 on the torrent of gin and beer. However, In Source D, Barry would argue that it can be seen in both ways. Barry argued that “Even more it provided a serious and fatal rivalry to the voluntary schools, as Board Schools were built and maintained at the expense of the whole community” this would suggest that the liberals were able to…show more content…
In Source A, it seems to have only had a specific interest towards liberal groups such as non-conformists and the Source suggests how Gladstone didn’t take into consideration that other religious groups demanded disendowment, and their seemed to have been more intentions but overall it was made to achieve reform and justice. Sources A, B, C, D, and E suggest that Gladstone’s intention was to pacify all the liberal interest groups but this didn’t go quiet to how he planned as there was a lot of contradiction towards his
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