Anwar Sadat Biography

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Anwar el-Sadat was born on December 25, 1918, in the town of Mit Ab al-Kawn located in Egypt. Anwar el-Sadat served the military in his early life before helping overthrow the monarchy of the country in the early 1950’s. He would end up serving as vice president of egypt before becoming president in 1970. During his term, Egypt faced great internal political instability. Sadat would later end up earning the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize for entering into peace agreements with Israel. This was significant because of the hostility both countries held for one another. Unfortunately, three years later, on October 6th, 1981, Sadat would be assassinated in the city of Cairo by Muslim extremists. Sadat was born into a family of 13 children on December of 1918. At that time, Egypt was under British control. The British would end up creating a military school in Egypt in 1936. Sadat became one of the military’s school firsts students. After graduating from the academy Sadat was given a government post. During this, Sadat met with Gamal Abdel Nasser, who would end up ruling Egypt later on. Both Sadat and Nasser bonded very well and formed a revolutionary group that was designed to overthrow the British rule over Egypt and expel them from the country. However, before their revolutionary group succeeded, the British became aware of Sadat’s involvement which resulted in Sadat being arrested and jailed by the British in 1942. Sadat would end up escaping imprisonment two years later, yet in 1946 was caught and arrested once again; this time after being implicated in the assassination of pro-British minister Amin Uthman. Sadat would remain in jail until 1948. When released, Anwar el-Sadat joined Nasser and his Free Officers Organization where he became involved in the group’s armed uprising against the Egyptian monarchy in 1952. Four years later, he supported his long time

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