Antigone and Creon

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Conflict of Personality
In the story of Antigone, written by Sophocles, the main characters of the play were Antigone and Creon. Despite that they were relatives, there were some conflicts of interest between them. The story started with Creon being made king of Thebes and he decrees that Polynices’ body should not be buried. Antigone believes that one body must be buried in order for his soul to rest in peace. The drama reflects some similarities and differences between Creon and Antigone.
The similarity between Antigone and Creon, her uncle and her king, is that both characters have strong wills. As an example, Antigone is so passionate in her act of burying his brother, Polynices’, she is determined to respect the god-given laws regarding the dead in Thebes. Creon is determined to enact and enforce his own man-made law. Antigone and Creon know the consequences of their actions if they fail. Antigone risks losing her life for violating the law, and Creon risks losing his kingdom for enacting and enforcing an unfair and unjust law.
Antigone can be described as a woman who values her family, values her self-respect and expects a great deal out of life. On the other side, Creon can be described as a practical man who wants to create political and social order in the land of Thebes. Also, he values his duty as a leader. Both Antigone and Creon are unyielding, and they refuse to change their decisions. For example, Antigone refuse to listen to her sister although she has told Antigone that they are women, and they can't do anything about it: (Remember we are women, we're not born to contend with men.).
Another similarity is that Antigone and Creon have sealed each other’s fate. That's when Antigone decides to bury her brother although she knows that anyone who disobeys the laws will be stoned to death inside the city walls. They are so independent. For example,

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