Annotated Bibliography For Health Care

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Annotated Bibliography Note that bibliography entries are listed alphabetically by the author’s last name. Also note that hanging indentations are used. The first line is flush left, and the second and ensuing lines are indented ½”. (See the arrow pointing to the hanging indent below.) Finally, notice that only the first letter of the first word of the title is capitalized; the rest of the title is capitalized as a regular sentence would be. If there is a colon in the title, the first letter of the first word after the colon is capitalized, too. Anderson, R. J., Amarasingham, R., & Pickens, S. S. (2007, July). The quest for quality: Perspectives from the safety net. Frontiers of health services management, 23(4). 15-28. Retrieved September…show more content…
The goals focus on the Institute of Medicine’s description of needed objectives. It outlines their plan to achieve quality within that facility. It further discusses steps needed to be taken in order to realize the objectives with good information describing why each step is crucial in the process. This article provides a great outline for why quality control is needed within any healthcare setting and a source of possible solutions in order to realize the goal. The authors have strong backgrounds in the medical field as directors in managing care as well as planning strategies (Anderson, Amarasingham, & Pickens, 2007). Notice here that the annotation states the main idea, or thesis, of the source. It also mentions the main support points in the article and discusses the relevance of the source to the researcher’s purpose. Finally, the annotation discusses the credibility of the…show more content…
It provides statistics on volume as well as financial costs of such errors. It investigates the possible contributing factors that lead to medical errors. The report attempts to simplify steps that can be done in order to reduce errors and improve quality in healthcare. It concludes by providing information on approaches all ready being considered in order to fulfill the goal or reducing medical errors. The Institute of Medicine functions under a congressional organization through the National Academy of Sciences. They provide advice and have policy input on many kinds of health related issues. This article provides a resource for explaining the dilemma in healthcare which shows the desperate need for quality control in this field. Parikh, N. (2007, March). Medicine and media: A symbolic relationship? Virtual mentor. American medical association journal of ethics. 9(3). 163-165. Retrieved September 28, 2007, from This source is also a

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