Animal Research Saves Human Lives

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Animal Research Saves Human Lives Have you ever thought about how the medical research is made, or how the treatments and cures for certain diseases or epidemics are discovered? In the article “Animal Research Saves Human Lives” (1995) Heloisa Sabin explains the relevance of the use of laboratory animals in medical research. The author uses several techniques, such as comparison contrast, historical and personal opinion to show to the general or average reader how animal research saves human lives. The first writing technique that Heloisa Sabin uses is comparison contrast. For instance, she writes that year after year in the early fifties, the words infantile paralysis and poliomyelitis struck great fear in young parents that the disease would snatch their children as they slept (paragraph 3). On the other hand, she mentions that in these days the polio-free generations have grown up to be doctors, teachers, business leaders, government officials and parents. Cancer, heart disease, strokes and AIDS are for more lethal realities to them know than polio (paragraph 9). Through this technique the author shows the very difference between the polio generation and the free-polio generation, so the reader can have a clear idea about it. The second writing technique that the author uses is historical. When it comes to talk about history that polio creates, it is important to mention historic facts. For example, in the Unites States, polio struck down nearly 58,000 children in 1952 alone (paragraph 30). Also, in 1961, thirty years after Albert Sabin began studying polio; his oral vaccine was introduced in the Unites States and distributed widely. In the nearly forty years since, polio has been eradicated in the western Hemisphere, The World Health Organization reported, adding that with a full scale effort, polio could be eliminated from the rest of the world by the

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