Animal Cruelty Laws in Texas

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Judy Willard Government 2306 MWF 12pm TEXAS ANIMAL CRUELTY LAWS Animals are viewed as property in the eyes of the law. Animal cruelty laws have been around since 1879. Those laws then pertained to only cattle and livestock. Today laws now pertain to a wide variety of animals. Owners of animals cannot mistreat or use them in a way that would consider to be cruel to animals. This is why we have state laws to protect them. In 2001, it became a felony to be cruel to animals. I will be explaining what is animal cruelty, the two types of laws, felony fines and punishment, also compare it to other states that have this law. Animal cruelty is a person who commits an offense if the person intentionally or knowingly: tortures an animal; fails unreasonably to provide necessary food, care, or shelter for an animal in the person's custody; abandons unreasonably an animal in the person's custody; transports or confines an animal in a cruel manner; kills, seriously injures, or administers poison to an animal, other than cattle, horses, sheep, swine, or goats, belonging to another without legal authority or the owner's effective consent; causes on animal to fight one another; uses a live animal as lure in dog race training or in dog coursing on a racetrack; trips a horse; injures an animal, other than cattle, horses, sheep, swine, or goats, belonging to another without legal authority or the owner's effective consent; or seriously overworks an animal (Texas penal code 9) According to the Animal Legal and Historical Center, Texas animal cruelty laws are very narrow in their scope. (qtd. In Ravenscroft) There are two types of animal cruelty laws. The first is criminal law. Criminal law applies only to domesticated living creatures or any wild living creature previously

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