Animal Rights: Should They Have Them.

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Animal Rights; should animals have the same rights as humans? Cherie Hayes DeVry University Animal Rights; should animals have the same rights as humans? Animal rights have become a major issue in our society. People have different views on animal rights. Some think that animals should be afforded the same consideration as human beings. Advocates of animal rights use different approaches to analyze the issue. They agree that animals should be viewed as non-human persons and members of the community. Advocates believe that those animals are part of the moral community and they should be provided with more than basic needs like food, water, and shelter. Animals cannot have the same rights as humans, but we as humans can take a stand and protect them against wrongful acts of violence. Just as there are millions of animals on our planet, there are millions of views and opinions regarding animal rights. Ask your doctor his/her feelings regarding this subject and you may get a different answer than if you asked your priest or lawyer. Ask someone living in America their views on animal rights and you may get a different answer than if you asked someone living in India. Animal rights are a debate that is steeped in controversy because it touches every aspect of our society. The implications go beyond most anyone’s imaginations. Today animals are afforded certain protections under the law. These protections include food, water and a safe environment in which to live free from undue pain and suffering. Many would like to see these animal protections taken further by giving animals their own rights, rights that may include the ability to sue in a court of law, or the right to not undergo medical procedures for animal experimentation. Giving animals rights is controversial because it would require society to stop using and treating animals in certain ways. Animals would

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