Anesthesiologist Essay

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Anesthesia derives from the Greek term meaning the “loss of sensation.” It can reduce the memory of the procedure or how it felt, reduce anxiety, and paralyze your muscles. An anesthesiologist is trained to provide pain relief and maintenance prior to, during, and after surgery. They also help ensure the safety of patients undergoing surgery. Before each surgery occurs, the anesthesiologist will meet the patient and perform an initial assessment in preparation of surgery. This is to anticipate things that may happen during surgery so the team will be prepared in advance. They closely monitor patients’ vital signs during surgery and adjust the level and dosage of anesthesia drugs when needed. To become an anesthesiologist, you have to be able to make life saving decisions very quickly. Communication skills must be very well developed in this field. A strong basis of math/science courses in high school will prove very effective in this career path. After high school, and the completing of a four-year college degree, the future anesthesiologist must attend a medical school for a minimum of four years. Upon the completion of medical school, a 2-4 year residency program is the last item to be checked off the list. The American Board of Anesthesiologists or the American Association of Anesthesiologists will administer a licensure and certification test before they may practice on his or her own. The employment outlook is continuously growing higher as time goes on, because the need of anesthesiologists is extremely high. It is often thought that anesthesiologists only work in the traditional surgical setting, but this is actually not true. Anesthesiologists may work in pre-natal units, dentist offices, children’s hospitals, and even outpatient care units. One of the most well known things that an Anesthesiologist does is perform epidurals during labor. Within a

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