Analyze A Company' Structure With Mintzberg Theory

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A financial service institution, fits the machine organization structure proposed by the management theorist, Henry Mintzberg. Mintzberg further suggested that every organization has five interrelated parts that could fit together in any of the five basic types of organization: Entrepreneurial, Machine, Professional, Diversified and Advocacy - these which will be discussed in detail below. Firstly, Mintzberg five parts to organization are as follow: 1. Technical Core - includes people who do the basic work of the organization. 2. Technical Support - creates innovations in the technical core with employees such as engineers and R&D. 3. Administrative Support - responsible for the smooth operation and upkeep of the organization. 4. Top Management - provides direction, strategy, goals, and policies for the organization, and 5. Middle Management - responsible for mediating between top management and coordination at the departmental level (Daft, 2010) Thus, based on these parts identified, Mintzberg proposed that these five parts could fit together in five basic types of organization. These configurations are: 1. Entrepreneurial - typical of small, start-up company. Consists mainly of a top manager and workers in the technical core. 2. Machine - large, mature company and the technical core is oriented to mass production. It is fully departmentalized, extensive formalization and specialization and narrow middle management. Primary goal is efficiency. 3. Professional - distinguishing feature is a large and powerful technical core composed of highly skilled professionals such as hospital, universities, and law firms. Large administrative staff supports the technical core. Primary goals are quality and effectiveness. 4. Diversified - mature firms that are extremely large and subdivided into product or market groups. Relative small top

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