Analysis Of The Film 'Shoah'

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The “Shoah”, also known as the Holocaust, means “catastrophe” in Yidish, it is the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Shoah, the movie by Claude Lanzmann, which Shoshana Felman writes about, is solely made out of testimonies. Testimonies of participants of the Holocaust. This film isn’t based on a historical document of the Holocaust. There are no documentary film footage from the past (from the time of the Shoah), only from the present, in other words the scenes and places we are taken back to in this film are solely based on the “present”. The purpose of the present is based on the testimony, testimony of the witnesses that narrate as they remember, as they’ve seen it with their own eyes, therefor are eye witnesses. This is a resurrection of MEMORIES. What I learnt from this, we are ignorant despite our knowledge, knowledge isn’t sufficient to Really see.…show more content…
I chose this photo because I’ve watched parts of the movie, and read the text, the part that really touched me and tore me apart was when the men had to dig up bodies from the mass graves with their bare hands, after digging them up they had to pile them up, throw flammable fluids such as gasoline and burn the massive piles of bodies so that no sign of this mass murder was left. The worst part is that the men sometimes stumbled upon bodies of their beloved such as their mothers, fathers, siblings, wives and children and having to set them on
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