The Holocaust: How The Jews Gained During The Holocaust

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Fabian Armendariz Mr. Rodriguez English 3B Jun 7, 2012 How much did the Jews suffered during the Holocaust? The holocaust was one of the most horrifying events that had happened during the 20th century. After WWI ended Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany. As I know Hitler was anti-semis he was genocide. “Genocide is the systematic and purposeful destruction of a racial or cultural group. During WWII about 6 million Jews were killed the other 5million were homosexuals, gypsies, and etc. The elements that lead to the Holocaust were totalitarism combined with nationalism, the history of anti- Semitism, Hitler’s belief in the master race, and the Final Solution. Totalitarism centralized control by an autocratic authority and political…show more content…
The main concentration camps were Treblinka, Dachau-Buchenwald and Auschwitz which they were extermination death camps. Some concentration labor camps were Birkenau, Buna, etc. In the concentration camps is when all the horrifying things started too happened. Once in the camps they had selections they checked if you were healthy or strong enough to work if not they would send you to the extermination camps or if you were hurt you would be sent to the hospital. In the labor camps you either worked on mines or created ammunition for the German army. “We spent the rest of the war from May 1943 to January 1945 in the HASAG slave labor camp making ammunition for the German army. There were 4,000 Jews working at this factory. I was lucky: my job was to be a tailor working for the German officers. My wife's job was to carry boxes of ammunition to the trucks. The women whose job it was to fill the shells turned yellow from the powder they breathed in. After they turned yellow, the Germans took them away and they disappeared. But we knew where they went. They took them to the cemetery and shot them there”.(Menszer, Survivor Stories Joseph…show more content…
A crematory is a machine which cremation takes place. Cremation is the reduction of dead bodies by burning them. During the holocaust there were times that many thought it started to snow but actually it was the ashes of the burning bodies. The Germans also threw little kids alive; they would grab them by the arm and threw them into the ovens. To cover many of this atrocities some camps made the Jews to work on sand mines to hide all the evidence. “I was working for over a year with the boys at the same job, digging sand. Ten of us worked in the sand mine. There was a little guy from Breslau that we made our supervisor. He stood on top, and we were 20 feet down below. Every day we loaded up a wagon with the sand and pushed it 16 kilometers. That were 2 trips of 4 kilometers one way and 4 kilometers coming back--over 10 miles a day. Twice a day we carried sand to Birkenau to cover the ashes of the dead. The ovens were on one side of the crematoria, and the ashes came out this side. The other side was where the gas chamber was. The Sonderkommando took the ashes out of the ovens. There were big holes for the ashes and we covered the ashes with sand. I saw when the transports came. I saw the people who were going in, who to the right and who to the left. I saw who was going to the gas chambers. I saw the people going to the real showers, and I saw the people going to the gas. In

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